By Teodora Sklayne
Easter Holidays – filled with family and friends, lots of fun and lots of food. As we all know in those happy days gathering with our loved ones we do tend to over-indulge ourselves and regret it once the holidays are over. Well, we can make the choice not to and here are 8 tips that will help you to achieve a fantastic and full of energy Easter weekend!
Many studies have proven that high protein breakfast does benefit your energy and productivity levels not only morning till noon, but throughout the whole day. Having a high protein breakfast combined with healthy fats will set your day on a positive start and will help you make the right decisions later during the day.
Traditionally on Easter people would eat boiled eggs, 2-3 would be plenty, however if you feel that is too bland whip up an omelet and combine with some onion and mushrooms. Or you could aim for a serving of chicken or smoked salmon about a palm size served with some vegetables. Combine that with some healthy fats –a palm full of nuts or half an avocado should be plenty.
Snacks and nibbles are usually full of sugar or processed fats. It can be easy to underestimate how quickly the calories add up when snacking on Easter treats. Did you know that in 4 Quality Street candies there are 157 calories which is equal to two apples in calories but not in nutrients. Not only will you will consume unnecessary empty calories, but this will affect your sugar blood levels leading to lower energy and sweet cravings later in the evening.
Dehydration has been proven to promote sensation of hunger. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day as well as between alcohol beverages to feel fuller, less fatigue and with clear mind (no headaches). To improve the taste, add a splash of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice.
According to tradition in UK a lamb roast dinner is consumed on Easter day. Whether you will have that meal or any other - start with the meat and vegetables. The protein in the meat, combined with the fiber from the vegetables will fill you up more and it’ll be less likely you will go over the top with dessert.
Obviously step 1, 2, 3 and 4 will support your body in regards to energy levels and healthy food choices throughout the day. It’s very important also to just listen to how your body feels. Don’t eat until you feelyou would explode, eat slowly and once you’ve had enough and you are no longer hungry, just simply stop eating! Don’t feel inclined that you have to finish you plate for the sake of politeness.
We all know that chocolate is almost impossible to avoid over Easter holidays – chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs, chocolate cakes and mousses. What we can do however is limit the amounts we have. The best choice is have ONE piece of cake or 20-30 g of chocolate as dessert after a solid meal. Stick to organic dark chocolate, ideally over 70% cocoa, as it contains health promoting anti-oxidants.
Holidays always come hand to hand with lots of alcohol, making us feel horrible the next day. In order to avoid over-consumption of alcohol drink some water in between, this will not only reduce the number of units you would have, but also will keep you hydrated, which is very important, as alcohol is a toxin which dehydrates our body and hence leads to unpleasant headaches in the morning.
Ideally stick to red wine, as it contains the health boosting anti-oxidant Resveratrol. Try to avoid any alcohol 2-3 hours before bed in order to minimize sleep disturbance. Drink a pint of water before bed as this will help you detoxify and feel more energized the next day.
Whether your goal is losing fat, maintaining the physique you’ve already achieved or gaining lean body mass, keeping a reminder of it will help you stay focused and motivated. You can write a note of your main goals and have a look at it every now and then or set a reminder on your phone every 2-3 hours. Visualize yourself the next day, feeling proud of yourself for not over-indulging and therefore getting closer to your goals.
I understand this can be difficult if you are lacking support from your family/friends, however you must not let them affect your decisions. At the end of the day, you will be the one suffering or benefiting from the consequences of your own decisions, so take ownership, be brave and make the right choices for yourself!
Following these 8 simple rules will make the difference between feeling great and awful after the holidays. Make the decision today to stick to the rules all the way through. Have fun and let us know how it went!