Monday 1 March 2010

Getting Eccentric

I see many people when they train only concentrate on lifting the weight without thought for the lowering phase of the movement. The Eccentric/lowering phase of the lift is when the most damage is done to the muscle. It is this damage that causes the muscles to grow stronger and get bigger.

You are cheating yourself out of a lot of muscular growth by ignoring the lowering phase of an exercise. Emphasise the negative part of the exercise, taking 3-4 seconds to lower the weight under control.

This might mean that you initially have to lower the weight you have been using but in time the eccentric portion of the movement will strengthen and you will return to the weights you have previously used or even surpass them.

Concentrate on working the muscle group you are targeting and not your EGO. The muscle doesn’t care if you are lifting 5kg’s or 50kg’s. What is important is using the correct technique in order to stimulate the most damage to that muscle which in turn will lead to more growth.


  1. Been trying this all last week and was pretty sore afterwards haven't felt that way in a long time but was good. Realised had to drop down on weight, good tip!

  2. Im happy it helped you!
