Tuesday 4 May 2010

Nutrition Update 4

It's the last 4 weeks before the first show. Here is an update to what my daily training diet consists of-

I am now eating around 225 grams of protein a day (excluding amino acids), 150 grams of carbohydrate and 40 grams of fat.

I have replaced the rice in my diet with more vegetables and some rye crisp breads to help keep me feeling full and provide more fibre. I have also replaced the protein and banana meal with a salad.

Energy and strength levels are still good. I am getting more tired easily but I balance this by trying to rest more and get more good sleep.


  1. How come the Creatine. Though that promoted water retention in the muscles, or are you not cutting down on water this early.

  2. Do you eat this same menu 7 days a week? When do you prepare the meals, daily, weekly?

  3. Not much fruit in the diet, can you explain why?

  4. *The Creatine promotes water to be stored within the muscles which will push them out more against the skin. It won't be stored between the skin and muscles so definition will not be jeopardised. Water will not be reduced at this stage.

    *The menu varies from day to day. I change all my sources of meat, veggies every 3rd day (I cook in bulk) and my evening meal which I share with my other half changes every night.

    *Fruit is limited due to the fructose content and also with now reduced amount of carbohydrate Ihave in my diet its better to get my carbohydrates mainly from bulky fibrous vegetables that will keep me feeling fuller. Fruit tends to not to fill me up for long and I can get all the necessary vitamins & minerals from the vegetables. That said i do eat fruit, just not all of the time.
