Thursday 8 July 2010

In Celebration of 'National Chest and Biceps Day'

It seems that in almost any gym I step into the weights room on a Monday becomes a ‘National Chest and Biceps day’. It’s possible to see a tumbleweed passing by the squat rack and chin-up bar on this day.

Try something bold and switch the days you are training body parts. Make Monday your back day, helping fix those rounded Neanderthal shoulders.

Or be even more brave and train legs HARD on Monday; this means using DEEP squats, lunges and deadlift variations. Using a few sets of leg extensions, leg curls and a few leg presses does not count as a hard leg session.

Changing the days you train body parts will help kick start new growth in your muscles and also leg you address that common chest to back imbalance that is so common in gyms these days!

Wonder why your shoulders hurt? Well if you can lift 1 ½-2 times the weight on your chest that you can on your back then you have a serious structural imbalance problem. Start training smarter today. If you are benching more than you can squat that would also indicate a problem!

In Celebration of 'National Chest and Biceps Day'

1 comment:

  1. I workout at home, but travel sometimes for work. I rarely see anyone using squat racks, though most gyms have Smith machines instead, but unused. See lots of guys working chest and biceps though.
