Tuesday 24 August 2010

'I don't want to get bulky'

A successful FAT loss programme involves preserving muscle tissue while forcing your body to burn fat as energy. Crash dieting where the focus is on overall weight loss rather than burning fat results in a reduced metabolic rate and is almost always followed by a Yo-Yo where the weight is regained.

Following a weight training regime where you focus on getting stronger will force your body to metabolise body fat while at the same time toning your muscles. Now I hear women all the time scream that they don't want to get 'bulky'. This is a misguided fear as muscle is denser than fat and therefore takes up less surface area.

There is also secondary factor that precludes women from getting 'bulky' and achieving same level of muscle size as a man; this is Testosterone. Women on average possess 16 times less Testosterone than men which means its impossible to reach the same level of muscularity.


Client 1
Bodyweight- 10 stone/63.5 kilo's
Bodyfat percentage- 30 %
Total Fat Mass- 3 stone/19.05 kilo's
Total Lean Mass- 7 stone/44.45 kilo's

Client 2
Bodyweight- 10 stone/63.5 kilo's
Bodyfat percentage- 20 %
Total Fat Mass- 2 stone/12.7 kilo's
Total Lean Mass- 8 stone/50.8 kilo's

You can see that both clients weigh exactly the same, but the difference in fat mass relative to lean mass is quite dramatic. Client 2 will have a much greater degree of 'leaness' and will feel much smaller in her clothes; far from bulky!

Here is a picture to illustrate the size difference of fat compared to muscle-

Focusing on what your bodyweight is composed of rather than you overall bodyweight is the key to any sucessful fat loss regime.

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