Wednesday 11 August 2010

Nutrition Tip: Protein on the go

It can be difficult to fit in those protein meals when out of the office and the sandwich options available from many shops are far too low in protein and high in carbohydrates.

Unfortunately most of the 'protein bars' on the market are filled with lots of undesirable additives such as polyoils, artificial sweeteners and bulking agents. Also the protein they contain is often of an inferior/low grade blend so they do not provide a much better option.

The only protein bar on the market in the UK that i would recommend would be the Paleo bar. They come in chocolate/almond, coconut/almond, chocolate, mixed berry and vanilla flavours. They are full of high quality whey protein, fatty acids, glutamine and phosphatidylcholine. They are free of artificial flavourings and additives.

Another great option when on the go is Beef Jerky. It stores for along time and is high in protein and low in fat. I get my Beef Jerky products from

Another old school yet simple option is to boil some eggs the night before then refrigerate them. Boiled eggs keep for many hours when travelling and are a great source of protein, fatty acids, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin D and choline. Choose Omega 3 eggs as these are packed full of Omega 3 fatty acids for which most people do not get enough of in their diet.

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