Monday 6 February 2012

Things I learned at Charles Poliquin’s Hypertrophy seminar held at Ultimate Performance Mayfair.

I just spent the weekend at Ultimate Performance Gym in Mayfair.

On Saturday we had a private seminar only for Ultimate Performance Trainers on the subject of improving results for clients.

I then went back on Sunday for a seminar on Hypertrophy training.

Being the always avid note writer I took detailed minutes of the events.

Here is a tidbit: 5 things I learned from each one –


• When getting someone to change their eating habits never use the word DIET, this implies restriction and something short term.
Instead teach them a lifestyle, this is a non threatening approach.

• Don’t overload the client, start them off small. They have to buy into the process step by step when they perceive a benefit from the advice you are giving them.

• The first 40 grams of protein you eat supports detoxification and the immune system. These are a priority to the body before it considers less essential functions such as repairing/growing lean body mass (muscle).

• Male clients like to see figures and numbers, women clients are more interested in abstract concepts and ‘feel’.

• Only having artificial source of light all day lowers dopamine, acetyl choline and suppresses serotonin production.


• Bio mechanical factors and restrictions in soft tissue are one of the greatest limiting factors in muscle growth.

• Soft tissue tolerance has decreased in last 20 years due to environmental toxicities according to functional medicine expert and lecturer Bob Rakowski

• Multiple Training sessions per day are superior for muscle hypertrophy

• The more you control cortisol the better you progress with strength development.

• If training for hypertrophy you want to create an acidic environment as possible so its not a good idea to use an alkalinising drink such as primal greens during a hypertrophy workout.

Overall I found the seminar very interesting and I stayed back afterwards to talk to Charles for longer. It was entertaining to hear Charles stories on some of the most dangerous gyms in the world he has visited.

The next Poliquin event I plan on attending will be a 5 day Hypertrophy boot camp which will entail training 3x per day and result in copious amounts of muscle soreness and growth.


  1. Nice post Martin. Was good to see you. Look forward to seeing you on the 5 day hypertrophy boot camp! BCAA a plenty!

  2. "If training for hypertrophy you want to create an acidic environment as possible so its not a good idea to use an alkalinising drink such as primal greens during a hypertrophy workout."

    Is this to do with lactic acid's affect on Growth Hormone production Martyn?

  3. Yes I believe this is the reason why George :)
