Tuesday 23 February 2010

Tuesday- Chest: Power Workout

Chest- Low Incline Dumbbell Press

20kg DB’s x 10 reps
26kg DB’s x 8 reps
30kg DB’s x 6 reps
36kg DB’s x 5 reps
40kg DB’s x 5 reps
42kg DB's x 5 reps
42kg DB’s x 5 reps
44kg DB’s x 4 reps

Shoulders- Standing Overhead Press (Military Press)

25kg’s x 10
30kg’s x 8
40kg’s x 6
50kg’s x 5
57.5kg’s x 5
57.5kg’s x 5
60kg's x 5
67.5kg's x 1 1/2 (Failed on 2nd rep)

Triceps- Overhead Dumbbell Extension

16kg’s x 10
24kg’s x 8
30kg’s x 6
34kg’s x 5
38kg’s x 5
38kg’s x 5
40kg’s x 5
42kg's x 3

Rest was 3-5 minutes between sets.


  1. Lot of sets here, can you give a breakdown of why the reps and set range. I normally only do a maximum of 4 sets per exercise, even when going heavy.

  2. Well there is a strength training rule that dictates that if you are performing less reps, you need to do more sets of the same exercise in order to get the optimal training affect. Notice that not all of the sets are with maximal weight though.
